Saturday 21 April 2012

Summary Of Venipuncture Technique

·         Requisition form.
·         Greet the patient.
·         Identify the patient.
·         Reassure the patient and explain the procedure.
·         Prepare the patient.
·         Select equipment and supplies.
·         Wash hands and apply gloves.
·         Apply the tourniquet.
·         Select the venipuncture site.
·         Release the tourniquet.
·         Cleanse the site.
·         Assemble equipment.
·         Reapply the tourniquet.
·         Confirm the venipuncture site.
·         Examine the needle.
·         Anchor the vein.
·         Insert the needle.
·         Push the evacuated tube completely into adapter.
·         Gently invert the specimens, as they are collected.
·         Remove the last tube from the adapter.
·         Release the tourniquet.
·         Place sterile gauze over the needle.
·         Remove the needle, and apply pressure.
·         Activate needle safety device.
·         Dispose of the needle.
·         Label the tubes.
·         Examine the patient’s arm.
·         Bandage the patient’s arm.
·         Dispose of used supplies.
·         Remove and dispose of gloves.
·         Wash hands.
·         Complete any required paperwork.
·         Thank the patient.
·         Deliver specimens to appropriate locations.


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