Saturday 21 April 2012

Composition of the Blood

Composition of the Blood

The blood is a mixture of cells, fluid, proteins and metabolites.

Blood has four major elements
Red blood cells (RBC's or erythrocytes)

transport oxygen from the lungs to organs and peripheral sites.
White blood cells (or leukocytes)

have a defensive role in destroying invading organisms e.g. bacteria and viruses 
assist in the removal of dead or damaged tissue cells.
Platelets (or thrombocytes)

the first line of defence against damage to blood vessels.
they adhere to any defects and assist in the clotting process.

the proteinaceous substance in which the other three cellular elements circulate.
it carries nutrients, metabolites antibodies,
proteins involved in blood clotting, as well as
hormones and other molecules to all parts of the body.


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